"Two women met for coffee.
They talked about life-
Things they were working through
And things they were learning.
They showed eachother grace
And gave eachother courage.
Even though neither of them
Had all the answers,
They knew that God sure did.
So they laughed and cried
And shared their lives
And in the end
When their mugs were empty,
Their hearts were full."
They talked about life-
Things they were working through
And things they were learning.
They showed eachother grace
And gave eachother courage.
Even though neither of them
Had all the answers,
They knew that God sure did.
So they laughed and cried
And shared their lives
And in the end
When their mugs were empty,
Their hearts were full."
Many people associate the hardships of living a military life with deployment; however, there are so many everyday struggles that no one really knows about, struggles other than those surrounding the big D (deployment). One's heart really takes a beating in this military life, and mine is still recovering from the beating it took last Tuesday when we left Florida. While I said goodbye to a number of amazing people in Virginia, saying goodbye to our amazing friends, the Reeds, was harder than I could have imagined.
We were so blessed to have spent the last year with Amy and Branson, first in Virginia and then in Florida. Throughout this year , we have grown together; we were able to share and lean on eachother as we adjusted to all the new experiences of becoming Marine wives and military families together. It's hard to explain the ups and downs of military life to people sometimes, despite how close we may be to them in our "normal" lives. Having friends who are going through the same thing and are struggling with the same situations is, and has been, an amazing comfort, support, and blessing. The Reeds had become our military family, our family away from home. The ones we would have holidays with, when we weren't able to spend it back home. While holidays away from family are always hard, Easter this Sunday is going to especially difficult without our military family as well.
It's hard to put into words how a friendship can grow so deep so fast. There is a saying that goes something like, it takes many years to grow an old friend. Well, I for one, beg to differ. I am sure Jordan and I are going to meet many more amazing people, and make even more lifelong military friends on this journey, especially as we are stationed somewhere for 3+ years, and have even longer for these friendships to grow; however, there is something special that Amy and I will always share from this first year as we grew into military life together, it's a bond we will always have. I am so thankful for the time I had with this fellow Marine wife, and although the Marine Corps has torn us apart so soon, I will be forever grateful for the Marine Corps experience which brought us together in the first place.
Memories from the time shared in Virginia & Florida...

HOW AM I JUST NOW SEEING THIS?!!? Sitting here crying on my couch right now thinking about how tonight is the last time we are going to see you both for a while... The military is once again separating us and I cannot even begin to imagine life without you down the street. I am thinking about not even wearing makeup tonight because I know it will be filled with tears. LOVE YOU!