
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh, what a beautiful mornin', Oh, what a beautiful day.

As I took Gunnar for his morning walk today, I couldn't help but notice what a beautiful day it was turning out to be! All of the sudden I had that song from Oklahoma going through my head:

              Oh what a beautiful mornin', 
              Oh what a beautiful day.
              I got a beautiful feelin'
              Ev'rything's goin' my way.

The weather felt amazing, and "normal" for a change. Therefore I thought to myself, I must take advantage of it! Perhaps I will work in the yard, or take a nice jog outside. Just out of curiosity, I checked the weather when I got back from our walk:

86 degrees with 58% humidity, is a cool day for me now. It's amusing how perception of weather is a relative thing. Apparently, Gunnar is not so amused....

He ran straight inside, laid on the a/c vent, and gave me that "are you trying to kill me mom" look. It appears Gunnar is still 100% a California boy, and obviously did not experience the same appreciation for the beautiful weather today as I did. However, I am sure Jordan and the rest of the boys are praising the Lord for this "cold-spell" as they spend another long day in the field.

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