We have (somewhat) adjusted to the Texas lifestyle. We are enjoying the yummy yummy Mexican food that we have so missed since leaving California, but this heat is just beyond excessive and is going to take a bit longer to get adjusted to. We are also not really fans of the spikey thorns that tend to grow in the grasses in this part of the state. Poor Gunnar does not enjoy going for walks for this reason, and will also try not to go to the bathroom for as long as possible, because of these thorns! It's been quite a nightmare with him, as you can imagine! However, we've enjoyed experiencing the new "wildlife" of Texas...from armadillos, to little meercats, birds with long beaks (which I have yet to learn the name of), and of course jackrabbits. These little critters are everywhere here on base. For some reason, I was SO excited to see my first jackrabbit! I was just so fascinated at how large they were, with their giant ears and beady eyes. However, there is something that is just creepy about them. I am not sure what it is, but they seem like they could be some evil, devilish creature in a scary movie.
In addition to the new wildlife, we've also enjoyed living near the ocean, and Jordan has begun to teach me how to surf! I was able to stand up quite a few times for my first time, and we are looking forward to spending more time at the beaches this summer, and getting more practice in. Although I should mention in all fairness, the waves are much smaller than they are in CA, and I am only using a long-board....so I can't take too much credit for my athletic abilities, it's really just like learning to ride a bike with training wheels at this point! Speaking of the beaches, I must explain the beaches in Texas. Unfortunately they are not beautiful white sand beaches as they are in Pensacola, or as turquoise blue as they are in both FL and CA, but more of a....well frankly, a muddy brown! From an aerial view, its hard to tell where the land ends and the water begins. But hey, it's the ocean! I will take what I can get! Anyway, in Texas, people do beach days a little different than we are used to! Texans tailgate at the beach. Yes, you read that right, they drive down the beach, park on the sand, and drop their tailgate! It's quite
When in South Texas....Do as the Texans! Tailgating Texans at the Beach! |
Jordan and I do love embracing each place we live for the culture it offers, even if it means embracing the hick-ness of the area (however, somebody slap me if I come home dressed and talking like a hick, and try to drive on the beach) and so we decided to spend one Saturday at a rodeo. Well, living near San Juan Capistrano, we have experienced a rodeo or two in our lives, but we had never been to one where little kids (ages 3-6) compete in riding sheep! Apparently this is called Mutton Bustin'. These kids, fitted in helmets, held on for dear life as the sheep took off sprinting and bucking throughout the arena. We weren't sure whether to laugh, cheer, cringe, or call Child Protective Services! Oh, but "When in Texas...."
It looked a little something like this:
Okay so calling CPS wouldn't be totally out of line, right?!?! |
We have also embraced the local culture by spending another weekend at a Chili Cook-off in nearby town of Port Aransas. It was like an episode straight of GCB! For those of you who don't know, GCB is an ABC series featuring Texas cliches, and most recently had shot an episode of a Chili Cook-off. Well I can personally attest, Chili Cook-offs do exist in Texas! We paid a $5 entrance fee, and taste-tested a variety of Chili and voted for our favorite one. I personally checked out after booth 5, but you all know Jordan and the tapeworm that resides in his belly, and he hit every. single. stand. TWICE! It was definitely another "When in Texas..." moment!
This last weekend, I spent a fabulous girls' weekend with my old college roommate Emily in Philadelphia, where we attended a wedding. We had so much fun exploring the BEAUTIFUL city of Philadelphia, with all of its history (Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the Betsy Ross House, Benjamin Franklin's grave, and the Rocky Steps). We also enjoyed visiting the nearby town of Hershey (yes, named after Milton Hershey and the chocolate brand), and eating lots and lots of chocolate and getting chocolate spa treatments! I also got a huge kick out of all the Amish people. Emily made so many illegal u-turns and stops because I would shout out every time I saw a group of Amish people! We didn't see the heart of Amish Country because we were only driving through the north end of Lancaster county of PA, but we can officially say we experienced all the great noteworthy aspects of PA, from the Amish People to Philly Cheese Steaks, to of course Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, and our favorite, the Rocky steps!
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Enjoying beautiful downtown Philadelphia and some girl time, we took a tour on a double decker bus! |
The Reading Terminal Market, where we enjoyed authentic Philly Cheese Steaks! |
Posing with Rocky Balboa near the Rocky Steps |
Well after a fabulous weekend in Philadelphia, I returned home to start my new job. I am officially an Interior Design Consultant for Ethan Allen. I am so excited and blessed for the opportunity to work for such a regionally and internationally known design firm! I hope working for such a large and well known company will help me continue this career path wherever we may move. There is so much to learn, and I am excited for the opportunity to grow and gain great experience during my time here! Although, on a quick side-note, I do have to tell another "you know you are in Texas when" story...You know you are in Texas when, people suggest using a pop up media armoir (picture a dresser with a trap door, where a tv rises out of an otherwise normal piece of furniture with a push of a button) for their guns instead of a tv! Yup, that happened! It's definitely a different style and clientele than California, but I am so thankful to finally be stationed in one place longer than 6 months, so that I can finally start building the foundation for my career again, and to not just be a stay at home housewife ;) . I think many people assume that the most challenging aspects of being a military wife involve deployments, but on behalf of all of my Marine wife friends, I can attest that as of now, most of our discussions revolve around the complications surrounding building our own careers while also supporting our husbands' dreams, and the commitments and moves that come along with that.
So I must admit, I feel a little guilty that I have consumed most of this blog with updates about myself, when so many exciting things are happening for Jordan as well. Jordan has finally picked up with a squadron here at Corpus Christi (there was quite a long back up when we first arrived-two months). He is now officially a Boomer, and has begun his Primary flight training as of last week! He is currently memorizing a million emergency and start up procedures, and practicing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in simulators; however, he should start flying in the next couple of weeks. He has been itching to get back up in the air for months now, and there will be plenty of new exciting stories to come as he advances through the Primary flight program!
VT-27 Boomers Squadron |
T-34 Aircraft that Jordan will be training on |
Hope this post finds everyone well! Until next time...
Congrats on your job, Meg! Designing for Ethan Allen?! Wow! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I grew up watching those little guys ride sheep...kinda crazy huh?! But they love it! I guess it's the closest they get to riding bulls like the big guys.
Glad to see you're embracing Texas. Enjoy it! :)