Yes, I said it. Happy Memorial Day. This year I noticed quite a bit of flak in regards to people using that phrase. I saw and heard a number of people objecting to the use of the word "happy," noting this was a somber day, a day of mourning. While I can definitely understand where these people are coming from, I also think it is a disservice to the ultimate sacrifices made by these brave and selfless souls, to spend the day in mourning. I will be forever grateful for the military men and women who have laid down their lives in service to our country in order for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today; however, what better way to honor these men and women than by celebrating the lives they led and the freedoms they laid down their lives for?
I think Memorial Day is also a beautiful testament to the true goodness of mankind as well. In a day and age that is becoming increasingly more selfish, and even the most basic of considerations for others goes out the window in order to seek one's own self-interest, it's a reminder that these brave men and women selflessly sacrificed for not only their fellow service members on the battlefield, but for me and you as well. John 15:13 says, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." I mean, when you stop and think about it, how AMAZING is that? And while it brings tears to my eyes when I really take a moment to comprehend how powerful that is, it also makes me happy, because that love, that devotion, that sacrifice for a fellow man, is truly the most beautiful side of humankind. So yes, while obviously the loss of human life is utterly devastating and causes immeasurable and inconceivable pain to the family and friends left behind (nobody should ever discount that), I think it's also important to choose to celebrate their lives and the freedoms they have afforded us, rather than focus solely on the loss. Don't you think the men and women who died on the battlefield would want that?
We all know there are far too many ignorant and self-consumed people out there, who think nothing further than a day off of work, the beach, a BBQ, and beer. However, as Jordan says, they are even afforded the freedom to that as well; the freedom to their own ignorance. So on this Memorial Day, no matter how you
chose to spend it, I hope you all took the time to remember, to honor, and to celebrate; because at the end of the day you had a choice, and that freedom to choose how you spent your day, was afforded to you because of the sacrifices of those we celebrate on this day.

Three years ago, Jordan and I were living in VA and had the privilege of spending Memorial Day in D.C. We thought to ourselves, what better way to honor those that had laid down their lives for our freedom, than to visit Arlington Cemetery? Having just moved to the area, we were unaware of the annual ceremonies that were scheduled to take place there. Although we were unable to make the Armed Forces Full Honor Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, we were so honored to be able to witness the observance ceremony at the Arlington Memorial Ampitheater, where both then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and President Obama spoke. As we stood on the grassy knolls outside of the ampitheater, the intense East Coast heat and humidity beating down on us, sweat beading down our legs in our poorly chosen outfits of long blue jeans, we were overwhelmed with pride in the display of patriotism in our surroundings. Immediately after 9/11 it was so common to see American flags flapping from the car windows of every other car that passed you by on the highway; country music radio was flooded with a wave of patriotic, all-American music. However, over the years, that everyday display of patriotism has waned. And on the nearly the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, it was so inspiring to see the thousands and thousands of people in observance at the ceremony, as well as the throngs of people lining the streets to the entrance of Arlington with American Flags and "Honk if you love the USA" signs.
The scene driving into Arlington Cemetery |
After the ceremony had ended, Jordan and I decided to walk through Section 60 of Arlington Cemetery, also known as the saddest acre in America. Buried here are those who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were surprised to discover that the President and the First Lady, completely unannounced, had also come to pay tribute to those buried here in Section 60, as well as to comfort and thank the family and friends that were left behind. While it's no secret that Jordan and I do not necessarily agree politically with many of the issues of this Presidency, it was still such an amazing life experience to see and meet the President and First Lady up close, and for Jordan to shake the hand of his Commander-in-Chief. It was also quite impressive to witness the Secret Service in action, and the Presidential motorcade convoy. You would not believe the number of fully armed Secret Service members that can pile into the back of those Black SUVs.

This Memorial Day, we found ourselves on practically the other side of the world from D.C. and so we spent the weekend in a much different way than that of 3 years ago. Although Jordan spent Saturday at work on 24-hour duty, we attempted to spend the rest of the weekend outdoors as much as possible. In honor of Memorial Day, we vowed to acknowledge and be thankful for all the blessings that came our way, both big and small, and all the basic freedoms, which we often times take for granted, that we were able to enjoy over the holiday weekend. So with every experience over the last 4 days, some of which would have normally provided frustration and annoyance, we found the positive, and focused on having an attitude of gratitude...
We are so grateful for the friends the military has brought into our life, the ones that will give the shirt off their back for you, or pick you up at a moment's notice when your 1978 jeep runs out of gas because your gas gauge is broken and a certain someone forgets to fill up the tank!
Busted! Someone is in trouble for ruining our dinner plans. Running out of gas on the freeway and coasting down the off-ramp was quite interesting, to say the least, and not exactly what we had in mind for our evening out! |
Jordan and I decided to move the car to a safer spot while we waited for roadside assistance. After impressively coasting into a nearby apartment complex, Jordan proceeded to push the car to the side of the parking lot. Unfortunately, I did a miserable job of steering the jeep while simultaneously trying juggle two phones as I talked to USAA on one phone and tried to discern our location on the iphone map to relay to the representative on the phone. Yep, we ended up in the bushes, and we just had to laugh! |

After being quoted over an hour for the tow truck to arrive through roadside assistance, Zach's towing company (a fellow Marine, who lived nearby, and his trusty truck) came to the rescue. We drove to a few nearby gas stations and not one had a gas can to purchase. Unable to simply fill up the tank with gas, we instead redneck-rigged a towing system with the rope Zach just happened to have in the back of his truck. Zach, after all, is a structural engineer from Alabama! After safely arriving to the gas station, the rope miraculously staying intact, we thought we were in the clear...until we discovered Jordan had left the reverse lights on the entire time...killing the battery! Now he was really in trouble. The redneck adventure continued as Zach once again pulled Jordan by the rope, and once enough speed was gathered, Jordan popped the clutch to achieve a rolling jump start! Definitely an interesting night, filled with quite a bit of laughter! |
We are so grateful for this sweet, cuddle-bug of a pup, who brings so much happiness and joy to our life with his constant happiness and unconditional love.
This man thinks the second queen bed in our hotel room at the lodge on base is just for him |
He loves riding with us in the Jeep! |
Yes, we admit, we are obsessed! But that can you deny those adorable puppy eyes, even if he is cutting off your airway and sitting on your face? |
Thankful for time with family when my Uncle Brett was in town this weekend, and for military friends who become your family away from family!
At the most amazing lunch spot, right on the water at Waikiki. There were surfers surfing in the distance, and waves crashing (literally!) over the waterfront wall and onto the restaurant floor. We did not mind one bit! |
Mai Tais and Pina Coladas! After 3.5 weeks on the island, we finally treated ourselves to fancy, festive Hawaiian drinks, complete with purple (edible) orchids and slices of pineapple! Yes, Jordan ate all the flowers...that man never passes up an opportunity to eat! |

I love the fun-loving, positivity of the friends we make along this military journey. We might have been soaking wet, but no amount of rain was going to dampen our spirits or ruin our rooftop, Honolulu, Memorial Day BBQ. |
We found our way to Ocean House in Waikiki to get out of the rain. Nothing like a little Karaoke, (Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks of course) to end the night! |
We are so grateful for the opportunity to live in this amazing and beyond breathtaking place, where we are continuously humbled by the unmatched beauty and artistry of the Creator.
Loved this heart rock I stumbled across at Hale Koa beach |
No filter or photo editing needed, just the raw, untouched beauty of nature |
We couldn't take enough pictures of this magnificent sight! It was MAGICAL! |
Jordan enjoying the warm waters and the secluded beach, against this most spectacular backdrop. |
Under a canopy of trees! Once again, taken aback by the natural beauty of Hawai'i! |
And we are so grateful for this time together, to enjoy lazy weekends driving up the coast in our "classic" island-mobile, and experiencing the simple things in life, that are made that much more special just because they are shared together, with your best friend.
Cruising up the Kamehameha highway to the North Shore, mere feet from the water, has become one of our favorite things to do on the island thus far. The destination doesn't matter in the slightest, we always have the best time just driving, taking in the sights, and stoping wherever our hearts' desire along the way! |
On this particular trip, our destination was the HE>i store. (HEgreaterthani). This brand was started here on the North Shore of Oahu, based on the inspiration of John 3:30, "He must become greater and greater; I must become less and less." I got a shirt, and Jordan purchased a hat. We also bought a sticker for our island-mobile Jeep, another smaller one for Jordan's work ipad, and a leather patch Jordan intends to sew onto the back of his flight helmet. We absolutely have loved the sentiment, this scripture, and the daily inspiration it provides since we first discovered this brand upon moving to Oahu. Could you ask for a better daily reminder of your purpose? |
We had to stop at the infamous North Shore food trucks. And boy, did they not disappoint. We were starting to get burnt out of the traditional Hawaiian BBQ, the garlic shrimp, and the white rice routine, so we instead went for an organic, grass fed, burger company. Absolutely delish! Jordan actually tried a local Molokai (a Hawaiian Island) Deer burger topped with portuguese sausage, which he said was absolutely superb. I, for one, will never eat Bambi, and stuck with a regular organic grass fed burger, topped with pear and blue cheese! |
We snorkeled here at Pupukea Beach Park, aka Shark's Cove. Do not worry, there are no sharks. The shape of the cove just looks like a shark...or at least that is the story Jordan told me...?!?!? I am wondering! But wouldn't you know it, this beautiful sunshine completely disappeared the moment we got in the water, and was replaced by a constant parade of island showers. We were still able to snorkel for almost an hour, although the visibility wasn't the greatest. However, we managed to see a variety of beautiful fish, and quite enough big ones to make me spaz out, attempt to back peddle against the current, and try to scream only to suck in water from my snorkel! My favorite part though, was sitting in the waist deep water, and watching the rain drops dance along the surface of the ocean. I wish I had a picture, it was so magical. |
On the way home from the North Shore, we stopped at Kuoala Ranch, the site where we took our ATV tour previously if you remember from Another Day, Another Adventure. While it is has been used in many prominent filming projects, it originally, and still to this day, is a 4,000-acre working cattle ranch. And let me tell you, the prices are unmatched. Kualoa Ranch, grass-fed beef, is only 4.99/lb! Amazing, right? This will definitely be our go-to place during our time here for our meat.
Well hello there Mr. Horse! |
While Jordan went "caveman" shopping for some meat, I decided to hang out with the horses on the property. This guy preferred the red plant over the grass, and stopped at nothing to get to it. |
Horses, palm trees, and the pacific ocean , such a magnificent sight! |
Jordan eventually joined me after his paleo-heaven shopping excursion, to say hello to the beautiful Kuoaloa horses. |
This is what the back of our jeep looked like on the way home: 2 gorgeous stalks of hawaiian flowers (only $2 each at a roadside stand), a plethora of Kuoaloa Ranch meat, some random swiss chard, a beach towel, snorkeling gear, and our HE>i shopping bag. Not a bad day of island-living! Since we are still living in the lodge on base, and therefore do not have access to any of our vases, we had to make do with a blue plastic cup as our vase for our beautiful Heliconia (or so I think that's what they are called) plants that we picked up on our trip! You can really get an idea of just how large they are in this second picture. |
Lastly, I do not think I can complete this post without mentioning how devastated we were to be missing Saddleback San Clemente's service this past Sunday. Rick Warren, in honor of the large number of military members that call Saddleback San Clemente their church home, preached in person at that campus this past weekend, instead of his normal location at the home church of Lake Forest. And while we are so grateful for technology, and the opportunity to have access to the weekly services online, we have been greatly missing the live music and church family we had come to love and cherish during our last 6 months in Carlsbad.

I will wrap up this Memorial Day post by saying that all of these simple things in my life that I have just mentioned for which I am grateful (friends and family, flowers and sunsets, road-trips and religion), would not have been possible to experience or enjoy this past weekend, without the sacrifices made by those in uniform. As I said before, I will forever be grateful and I will always be overwhelmed by the goodness, selflessness, and sacrifice of these fellow Americans that allows all of us the freedoms we have today.