
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Follow By Email

For those of you that have faithfully subscribed by email for the past 3 years, I think I may have finally fixed the bug that prevented email updates from going out over the last few months (which just happen to be my most active months, with regular, almost-weekly, updates). Apparently the feed on this blog was becoming too large in size! However, one can never have too many memories, and we still have tons of adventures to come. So, fingers crossed I have fixed this bug!  You should get an email subscription update with this "Follow By Email" post. However, for those of you that are interested in what we have been up to, you may want to go to the blog website: in order to catch up on all the posts that you may have missed. Shoot me an email or leave me a comment below if you have received this blog post update!


  1. Megan - Hey! I'm friends with Ninalyn and you've certainly reeled me in with all your posts! I look forward to seeing what you cuties are up to and marvel at your descriptions, pictures and just anything in between! I think you should consider making it into a book! - Karen

  2. Awwww thanks Karen! I would have never guessed our humble journey through this crazy military life would be so entertaining to others. Thanks for following our adventures!

  3. Well, I hope this is not a duplicate comment...I am having trouble with the comment section of the page! We love your blog, love getting it through email, and the family compares notes! Your Oahu adventures are fantastic! We are also still exploring our new home in Oceanside :)!

  4. Hey Gayle, the comment worked fine and only came through once! Glad you are still finding ways to explore your "new" hometown as well. We miss that area! Go to Panca Peruvian Cafe for us in Oceanside soon! mmmmmmmm!
