Not too bad, right? Only two and half weeks since my last blog post! Although, I did kind of leave you hanging there with only part one of a two-part update. But with good excuse, because Jordan has finally arrived home! With his return, I have found myself very busy and preoccupied, not only spending lots of time with him, but also immersing myself back into my second role as a chef in the kitchen, cooking up paleo meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner to keep Jordan and his tapeworm happy and full!
We also just recently spent a wonderful weekend together in Waikiki for the annual Marine Corps' Birthday Ball. Last year we were unable to attend the ball because we were right in the middle of our move from Florida to California. After a year away from this annual tradition, we found ourselves filled with a renewed excitment over this lovely (and quite fancy-when else do you have an excuse to wear a ballgown in this day and age?) and always-memorable evening. I could hardly believe that this was going to be our 3rd ball (although it would have been the 4th if not for the move!), as I can still vividly remember writing the blog about
Our First Birthday Ball. What has made each of these 3 balls so very special, has been that each year we have spent the evening with a completely new and different set of wonderful friends. And when I think back to each of these balls individually, and to the people we shared the experiences with, I can say that we definitely considered those specific individuals our closest friends at that time, and our second family. We share a friendship and a bond with all of these people, that which is so strong, that I never expected that that bond could ever be matched or found again, move after move. But year after year, we find ourselves celebrating the Marine Corps Ball with another group of amazing people that we now too consider some of our very best friends. It is so beautiful to see just how many Marine Corps family members we have and the number of wonderful, inspiring, positive, and fun-loving friends we have found along this journey at each of our duty stations. Despite the time that elapses between visits and the miles and oceans that now separate us after every move, I still count each one of these people my dearest and closest friends.
Getting ready in our hotel room, with beautiful views of Waikiki Beach |
We may be dressed fancy and formal, but we are still goofballs at heart (and cannot resist a good, goofy elevator selfie). Also, for those of you that are wondering...Jordan has a bandaid on his lip. He had a squadron rugby injury earlier in the week and he required some liquid sutures. His bandaid is hiding a nasty, 3D, 1" scab. Luckily, his squadron is 367-Scarface, so we kept joking he was the mascot of the evening. |

My amazing military family of spouses, two of which I am blessed to work with everyday! Love these girls! |
Enjoying a mini stay-cation in Waikiki after the ball |
Since my last update, I have also begun a job working at the elementary school on base here. I am teaching 1st and 2nd grade math in the RTI (response to intervention) program, which works with students falling behind in the regular classroom setting. I am absolutely loving the job, the amazing and fun people I work with in the RTI program, as well as the proximity to home! However, what I love most of all is that I don't think of work as "work." I love going to the school each and every day and working with these sweet and special kids. Being at a school on a military base, many of the students that I am working with, who find themselves falling behind, have to deal with unique situations and stresses specific to the military life. For example, multiple military moves, which drag students out of school, time and time again, many times during the middle of a school year, and then transferring to a completely new school a week or two later. Schools may not match up in curriculum, and those one to two weeks of traveling and moving time may also cause the students to lose critical building blocks in their education that will continue to affect them going forward in their lessons. There are also family stresses at home, unique to the military family, most obvious of those would be that of deployments. However, it isn't just one parent's time away, it can also be the reintegration process that the active duty spouse and family faces once a parent returns. It's the stress that military life can sometimes put on a marriage, and how that dynamic trickles down to the children. These situations and stresses are things that many children, regardless of age, never have to worry about or think twice of. It has reinvigorated my passion for elementary education, and I have begun to look into continuing my masters program that I started way back in 2011 before we moved to Virginia. However, instead of continuing with elementary education, I hope to pick up with School Counseling instead. That is where I find my heart directing me. I want to help children address the outside issues and stresses in their life, and give them the support and guidance necessary so that they can go back into the classroom and thrive! So much of a person's confidence and future success is determined at a very early age, and I believe it is so important to give every child the support and tools necessary to not only become successful in the classroom, but more so, so that they can become confident individuals and enthusiastic lifelong learners.
So as you can see, we have had a very busy last two and half weeks since my last update! However, I must digress back and return to where we left off last. I felt like in part-one of my previous update, I just breezed over my time at home, and it definitely deserves some blog space, because I had the most wonderful time. The reason for the trip of course, was my best friend Meghan's wedding. Meg and I have been friends for 25 years!!!!! It's so mind-boggling when I actually see that number in writing. Her family moved on to our street back when I was 4, and she was 3. I have this memory of walking around the block with my mom on that day that Meg and her family moved in to their home on Gitano St. I was tugging on my mom's arm, asking if I could play with that girl. And while childhood memories can sometimes be a mix of actual memories, stories that you have been told that have cemented into your long term memory and feel like memories, or sometimes just random dreams or nightmares that you confuse with actual experiences (*cough cough* like my mom perming my bangs when I was little *cough cough*-the jury is still out on that one), I believe I remember my mom trying to explain to me that we could play soon, but we needed to give them some space and time to move in first. I am not sure how long that lasted or how much space that this anxious and excited little girl gave them, but Meg and I quickly became fast friends. When you're 4 years old and someone with your same name moves on to your street, it is absolutely the most exciting and earth-shattering thing in your little world. You are obviously destined to be best friends forever, am I right?
I could go on and on about the memories Meg and I have shared together, from our perfect and all-american childhood experiences on Gitano st., to the fateful day when the Boulwares broke our hearts and moved across the country to GA, only to return a few years later and amazingly move back on to our very same street once again. Despite the years and the distance that has separated us over time, there has no been no friend closer to my heart. The toast that I gave at the rehearsal lunch best summarizes this, so I have included it here for sake of rambling on further:
Seeing everyone here now, it's finally hitting me why we are all gathered here today. I can hardly believe that my best friend is getting married tomorrow. Not that I ever doubted this day would come -although Dane you definitely kept us on pins and needles with anticipation. However, what I meant by that was, I can hardly believe that my best friend is getting married tomorrow, because I can still vividly picture us as little girls, playing barbies or playing house, living in a world of make believe, dreaming of what it would be like one day to be grown ups, get married and have kids. And now that day has come, and you are getting married tomorrow, Meg! I am so thankful to have been blessed with 25 years of friendship with you, because I was able to share in those childhood dreams and now experience tomorrow's reality. And you know, I think those two little girls on Gitano St. would be pretty excited to find out that their future would be so much more amazing than anything they could have dreamt of, or made believe, back then. That, and that their husbands would be so much more handsome than any Ken doll could ever be!
You know back in those days when we were growing up together, we made a pact that I think it's time we let Dane in on. First, we promised each other we were either going to marry brothers or best friends. So Dane, you officially now have to be my husband's best friend. Secondly, we promised each other that we would all live together in one big house, happily ever after. So, your place? ours? Don't worry about it, we will figure out the details later. However, I just thought you should know what you were signing up for when you got married tomorrow!
Over the years of our friendship, whether we were 5, 15, or 25, there has been one constant theme: a whole lot of goofiness, some crazy dance parties and weird costumes, but most of all, so much joy and so much laughter. I have never laughed more or laughed harder with anyone else in my entire life. I think everyone can agree with me when I say that one of the things I love most about Meg, is her beautiful, positive energy, her joyful spirit, and the humor that she can bring to any situation. I'm so thankful that in Dane she found a partner that not only sees and appreciates these qualities, but also complements them so well. Because of this, I know that their life together is going to be a beautiful adventure, and that no matter where life takes them, they will always be finding the fun in the journey.
Meg and I at the rehearsal lunch, and on her wedding day. |
Even though we are now in our late 20's, we are still just as goofy and silly as the day we met, 25 years ago! |
My best friend is married!!!!! Didn't she make the most beautiful and blushing bride? She truly looked like a princess! |
Meg's wedding was absolutely magical and completely wedding magazine-worthy beautiful! Although no wedding day is complete without at least one hiccup, right? Unfortunately, temperatures reached 102 degrees the day of the wedding. And poor Meghan and Dane were walking around the Mission San Juan Capistrano in a heavy, full wedding gown and tux at 2pm in the afternoon, taking first look pictures. However, you would never know it by looking at their flawless and magnificent wedding photos; the two of them looked absolutely perfect. The father of the bride made light of the situation in his speech; he talked about how he had prayed for nearly 12 months straight that it would not rain on the date of the wedding, since the venue was outdoors. Well God apparently heard his prayers and made sure that the forecast was the complete opposite of rain that day. Even the ridiculously hot weather could not hinder this most amazing day, as the father-of-the-bride's toast commanded even this miserable heat, to fall perfectly in line.
I greatly enjoyed spending the rest of my time at home with all of my wonderful family and friends spread out all over Southern California. And while driving an hour or two to see and spend time with everyone made my remaining week absolutely fly by, I cherished the fact that I was so lucky to be able to DRIVE to see all of my loved ones. An ocean between you can really give you perspective on what you would normally consider miserable Southern California freeways.
I wish I would have taken more pictures of everyone I was able to see, visit, and share time with! Note-to-self: take more pictures next time!
Not pictured is a babysitting adventure with my cousin Gwendolyn's ADORABLE son Dane, who was beyond precious watering the lawn and discovering the hose and just how funny it was to soak my mom and I (after we had just gotten our hair done earlier and were not supposed to get it wet for 48 hours, lol)! Also, a fun afternoon of cards and lunch with my Grandpa and Marian, and a beautiful brunch in San Clemente with the rest of my mom's side of my family. I loved catching up with my aunts and my grandma, who are all such lovely, inspiring, and kind-hearted women.
Loved being able to see the growing "Willett" side of my family. Little Shelby has doubled in size (and personality) in only 6 months. I was also able to meet my cousin Jessie's precious brand new baby girl, Paisley Grace as well. Again, wish I would have taken a picture to include, but take my word for it, she is an absolute doll! |
I also enjoyed the downtime at home with my parents, Troy, and of course Smokey Bear, our giant 90lb lab who still thinks he is a puppy. Kyle was busy with work as usual. I loved being able to meet my college girlfriend Emily for brunch at our favorite little art museum in Long Beach. We spent the afternoon with a backdrop of ocean views and looking over her beautiful wedding album from her wedding the weekend before we moved to Hawaii. Lastly, I was so excited to return to Saddleback San Clemente for a wonderful church service and some amazing worship music! Jordan and I loved our time at Saddleback San Clemente, and always joked that Jordan had a man-crush on the lead singer's voice. Well, the music did not disappoint and I cannot wait until we are back again to enjoy another beautiful service. |
On my last day/night in California, my parents absolutely spoiled me with a mini stay-cation in downtown San Diego at the amazing Hilton San Diego Bayfront, complete with gorgeous views of the harbor and Coronado. I loved spending quality time with the two of them, walking around Seaport Village and downtown, enjoying the beautiful city of San Diego and their company. So thankful for such wonderful, generous, and loving parents.

How cute are my parents? Married 32 years, almost to this day! They also spoiled me to a fancy, last dinner at Fleming's in Downtown San Diego before I left. |
I returned home to enjoy a sweet but short time with Jordan before he turned around and left for California himself for Marine Corps training. Upon returning, I was happy to see that my pallet herb garden was not only alive, but thriving, and that Jordan had busied himself with man/home-improvement projects for our new home! However, most of all, I was just thankful to be back enjoying our life together in Hawaii.
Pallet herb garden and home improvement projects (Jordan built storage shelves in our garage and this outdoor "x" side table-which I painted later after he left) |
Beautiful Oahu sunrise and authentic Hawaiian art carving at the swap meet, we love this place! |
During Jordan's 4 weeks away, I busied myself by continuing to set up and decorate our new home, as well as spent time with my wonderful Ohana (family) here in Hawaii. And although the time apart was trying at times, I could always count on Mother Nature to lift my spirits with her always beautiful, artistic displays.

A beautiful rainbow over our neighborhood and a breathtaking sunset view from our kitchen windows |
Mimosas with my girls before our OSC (Officer Spouse Club) brunch down my street. I still pinch myself over the view from our street, isn't it amazing? |
There is something absolutely magical about this place where we live. Yes, the beaches are beautiful and the Pali is majestic, but it is so much more than that. It just feels
right here. I was walking our sweet pup around the neighborhood the other day, and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. It was a feeling that I truly haven't experienced in a long, long time. It feels beyond amazing to be settled, to no longer feel anxious about another impending move, and to feel relaxed and content in the
present moment. Lastly, to add the cherry on top of our already most perfect sundae, it feels
so great to truly and absolutely love and adore our new neighborhood. I am so thankful for all of those forks in the road (some more difficult and discouraging than others) during Jordan's training, which finally led us here. As I have already said, I truly know, deep down and without a doubt in my mind, that this is right where we are supposed to be right now.
Jordan surfing at Kailua Beach, with the Mokes, aka Twin Islands, in the distance |
Double rainbow over our neighborhood one recent morning; I truly believe our home here is the perfect pot of gold! |
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The always majestic Pali! She takes my breath away daily. |
What a wonderful description of the last few months ! You and Jordan have literally been crossing paths! We can't wait to come visit you in Hawaii. Congrats on your new job ...teaching runs in the family , and you sound as if you are doing a great job! Looking forward to seeing you soon!