Well (as of when this was ORIGINALLY written), we are officially in full swing of the Christmas Season here in Hawaii: temperatures have dropped to a brisk 80 degrees, palm trees are being wrapped in Christmas lights, and an occasional long sleeve {thin} sweater has been dug out of the deepest abysses of storage for those days that dangerously dip below 79 degrees. And while Christmas came early this year in August when we were blessed with the greatest gift thus far, our beautiful new "forever" home here in Hawaii, it looks like Christmas comes but
once twice a year for us in 2014.
I found myself reaching for a long sleeve from the closet before we took Gunnar to the beach other day, Meanwhile, Jordan is still dressed in a summer tank-top and board shorts and is laughing at me as he points out that it is only (a chilly) 79 degrees! |
There is little that I love more than the Christmas season: the scent of a freshly cut Christmas tree that fills our home, the early morning and evening hours when a lit Christmas tree provides the only subtle light to those still dark hours and when our tv can usually be found to be set to the Holiday music channel as if by default. Jordan and I find that these little things fill our hearts with so much joy!
One thing that we have found with this military life, is that we have often missed out on decorating our home for Christmas. Well, this year, I was bound and determined to decorate, so I started as early as un-heathenly possible, aka December 1st, so that we could fully enjoy the Christmas spirit for as long as possible both before and after our trip back home to California. I loved that this year it felt like we were able to enjoy the Christmas season, not only back in California with our family, but also in our own home in Hawaii.
Stockings were hung by the [TV] with care... |
I love my burlap and white christmas tree, if I do say so myself, although that tree skirt was quite the nightmare to make last year. I may or may not have even finished it, but creatively just tucked the unfinished portion in the back! |
Gunnar could often be found hanging out with his reindeer friends |
First time putting lights up on our house! Jordan insisted on the LED style. I was not a fan, but they are growing on me. We may just have to add a bit more festivity next year! |
Christmas in Hawaii:
You know Christmas Season is upon us on the Windward side of Oahu when the POTUS arrives. POTUS stays right outside the back gate of MCBH and he golfs almost daily on base at the Klipper Golf Course, which is actually right in our neighborhood, at the end of our street. Whenever POTUS would come on/off base (to golf, to visit the beaches, to go to the gym), the entire base would be on lockdown. Whenever he was at the golf-course (which was practically every day-that's not a political, right-wing, media exaggeration), they would shut down the roads to our neighborhood for security reasons. While it may have been inconvenient, it was quite the production and very interesting to see! Every time I would start to get frustrated with the traffic, the delays or the blockades to our own house, I had to remind myself...we live in paradise, you can't blame the guy for wanting to visit! How lucky am I that I get to live here 365 days a year! However, I was more than ready to head to California and escape at least a week of this craziness.
Stuck outside the back gate, waiting for POTUS to pass, so we can get back on base. |
Navy Seal SWCC boats monitor and patrol the canal near the POTUS' vacation home |
Can't leave our house this way. Nope, not this way either! POTUS problems! |
In typical Marine Corps fashion, Santa arrived by Huey to visit all the children at the squadron. Although, apparently the Marines fly a huey a little faster than Santa's reindeer can pull a sleigh... poor Santa almost lost his beard in the downwash (wind) created from the helicopter blades when he stepped onto the flight line.
This cracked me up! When you leave a bunch of Marines to decorate for Santa, this is what you get: "Did you know Santa's crewchiefs spread cheer at 3000 rounds per minute!" |
Christmas tree shopping in 85 degree weather! |
Our annual gingerbread-house-making tradition. Of course, I pooped out and ended up just enjoying the movie and snacking on the candy. Meanwhile, Jordan built an entire gingerbread mansion estate: complete with a helo-pad and pool! He even commandeered my basil plant from the kitchen to add some foliage to the estate. This guy always keeps me in stitches! |
The Scarface Rugby team participated in their first tournament and THEY GOT KILLED. It was painful to watch these guys go against giant, home-grown, 300+ locals. I think I was closing my eyes and grimacing the entire time. It was so bad that even the other teams were cheering for them when they finally scored a point. |
Luckily, they walked hobbled away pretty much in one piece, with only one concussion and (lots of) blood, bruises, pulled muscles. However, thanks to two forfeitures, these guys were Bowl Champions, aka winners of the losers brackets. |

We made one last trip up to the North Shore before we headed home, to witness the world famous triple crown of surfing series of events. Unfortunately, on the day we went, the surf was too choppy to hold the day's event. However, it was still an absolutely beautiful day and always makes for a fun trip. |
Enjoying the adorable town of Haleiwa on the North Shore |
Christmas in California:
Brrrrrrr was it cold! After all of these years growing up with "California winters," and people making fun of us Californians for being a bunch of cold-weather babies, our Hawaiian warm winter weather wasn't much of a shock. However, I underestimated the
cold-shock going from Hawaii back
to California. After 6 months away, I had already forgotten that California actually does get cold and failed to pack appropriate clothing. Darn, I had to go shopping! Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to wear what I bought until Christmas next year again. However, the brisk morning weather, the warm morning coffees in-hand on my parents back patio, the early 4pm setting sun (we don't do DST in Hawaii), my favorite tree-lined and lighted streets of La Paz and the always-impressive neighborhood Christmas display of lights, made it feel like it was truly Christmas for Jordan and I.
As usual, I am kicking myself for not taking more photos! Even after making a mental-note after my last trip home to TAKE. MORE. PICTURES! And as usual again, I have more dog pictures, than human pictures!
Toto, I've a feeling we aren't in Hawaii anymore! |
Not sure who missed who more! Smokey apparently thinks Jordan is his long lost brother and I am just chopped-liver! Actually, he probably would pay chopped-liver more love and attention than me too! |
I mean really, it was just ridiculous. Smokey would crawl up on Jordan to snuggle on the couch every evening, and then again into our bed every morning |
We got to meet Kyle's new pup, aka Smokey's mini-me! And I am so glad we did, he was barely a puppy any more in size! |
Christmas Consensus 2014: Whether you are 1 or 29, hammers are the best Christmas gift |
Unfotunately, I do not have any pictures from Christmas Eve, just some that I stole from my Aunt Gayle's fb from Christmas Day (thanks Gayle!).

It was so great to see and talk with all of Grandparents, as well as the rest of my extended family, many of whom I feel blessed that I was able to spend time with only 3 months previously! That is quite a treat these days! |
Cousins! |
This Christmas was an especially special one to be home for, as it was the first time my mom's side of the family has spent with all 4 sisters together in over 30 years! |
We spent our last day/night in California in San Diego since we were flying out early the next morning. We walked around downtown with my parents and brother, Troy, and got to see our good friends the Trujillos and their sweet, growing son Noah. We also just enjoyed San Diego, the city that we love so much! This San Diego last day stay-cation is becoming a fun tradition for our trips home! |
While we greatly enjoyed our time back home, and the time with family always flies by way too fast, we were happy to make it back to our sweet, sun-bathing hawaiian pup. Jordan was also happy and thankful that his Rogue Hammer made the trip back to Hawaii safe and sound! Although it did get inspected. I can only imagine the TSA agent's faces when they opened that box up. |
Two coffees in hand, two beach chairs in the sand! We found ourselves back in Hawaii by New Years, and spent it with morning at our nearby beach, followed by a beautiful hike up to the Makapu'u lighthouse, where we were treated to a wonderful display of humpback whales breaching and blowing along the coast! |
The house always feels so bare on that sad day when the Christmas cheer is retired back into its boxes and stacked up on the shelves in the garage until the following year, but I am thankful for the memories of Christmas 2014, both from Hawaii and California. And if anyone has any pictures from home, please send them to me. It breaks my hear that I do not have more with my family and I would like to include them in our digital scrap book to have and to look back on!
Mele Kalikimaka friends and family!

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